Markus Stockhausen

My vision: Let us all create a sphere of Light, Peace and Love around the Earth, to bring forward the truth and heal the people’s hearts and minds. Let us transcend all divisions and discrimination. Peace is possible, if only enough people want it. We need a clear vision of a united, peaceful mankind. Let’s be the change we want to see in the world.

Video of the Markus Stockhausen Group performing Live at Jazz Baltica

Markus Stockhausen Group

Upcoming concerts by the MARKUS STOCKHAUSEN GROUP in 2025:

11.1. Rostock
12.4. Freiberg, with Stephan Braun (cello)
14.4. Stuttgart Oster Jazz Festival
22.5. Bonn Jazzfest, with Nguyên Lê
23.5. Köln Musikhochschule, feat. Nguyên Lê and Rabih Lahoud
24.5. Hamburg Jazzhall, feat. Nguyên Lê and Rabih Lahoud
25.5. Bremen Radiosaal, feat. Nguyên Lê and Rabih Lahoud
6.6. Kapfenburg, with Levan Andria (cello)

April 5th, 2024: Release of the double album “Celebration”

Markus Stockhausen Group featuring Tamara Lukasheva, Rabih Lahoud, Nguyên Lê, Mateusz Smoczynski, Levan Andria and Bodek Janke

“Celebration” video trailer

CD Cover: Celebration – Markus Stockhausen Group (2024)

to CD page

Recent video by the Markus Stockhausen Group: HERE WE ARE

December 2023: RÊVERIE

with Luca Formentini, elektric guitar, synthesizer, sampler and Processing, released by the italian label “Darc Compagnion”,
zur CD und Video

CD Cover: Rêverie, Markus Stockhausen, Luca Formentini


has been released by Darc Compagnion. We celebrated this event with a beautiful concert in Piacenza, Italy. Infos here

CD Cover: Free Spirits, Markus Stockhausen, Lino Capra Vaccina with Alireza Mortazavi


with Vangelis Katsoulis and Arild Andersen. All music was recorded online during the 2020/21 lockdown time. More infos here

August 2021: The 3-CD set “TALES

with 25 compositions and improvisations by the “MARKUS STOCKHAUSEN GROUP” – more information here

Summer 2020: The triple CD WILD LIFE has been released by SONYsee more

A wonderful live video of the project “WILD LIFE” made by WDR/ARTE-TV can be seen here.

JUNE 2021: German Jazz Prize

I have been given the German Jazz Price in the category “Best Brass Player” and my recent CD “Wild Life” has been nominated for “instrumental album of the year”. I feel great joy and thank all people, family, friends, musicians, labels, managers who supported me for so many years.

2018: Echo Jazz Price

with the album “Far into the stars” – The CD by Quadrivium released by OKeh/Sony,


Blog / News

The time has come that you shall remember who you are.
Forever have you been and shall eternally be.
You have come
to feel the joy of creation,
to see its beauty
and infinitely love
all there is.
For all is thyself in myriad forms.
Each moment you create yourself
and a thousand worlds around.
Your being is bliss, perfection and light.
Rejoice my friend, Rejoice
Markus Stockhausen, 1989

My Dream
I wish all people of this precious Earth to find inner PEACE, with oneself and with one’s family, friends and neighbours. Enjoy good music. Music is a vehicle to our deepest feelings, to our soul. The main message to ALL countries and leaders in this turbulent times must be to promote brotherhood / sisterhood between ALL human beings, helping, supporting each other. Let us all live that dream of a united and peaceful mankind where EVERYBODY can enjoy life. It is in our hands.

The war currently taking place in Ukraine is horrific and unjustifiable in every respect. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to everyone who has been drawn into the conflict and through no fault of her or his own must now suffer terribly.
At the same time I am shocked to hear of reactions in Germany: citizens of Russian origin are being excluded, defamed or stigmatised and that for some people here concepts like „blame through common nationality“ must automatically lead to a common guilt of the Russians.
Is it not our task to practise empathy, understanding and compassion on all levels of human interaction? How can we hope to unite in peace within a world community if we behave in such a way? Peace will only be possible if we are peaceful in ourselves.
I would like to refer to the Worldwide Ethical Manifesto which I wrote in 2019.
Markus Stockhausen, March 5th, 2022

No more wars
Only a small minority of people on this planet is interested in wars. Some world leaders, politicians, military people, weapon makers, financiers. Maybe a few million people maximum.
But compared with the 8 billion people on this planet today, this is a very small group. Why should they have the saying always ?
Can’t we stand up as humanity, the vast majority of people and speak out loudly: NO MORE WARS ! Enough !!
So much suffering, killing is involved.
Can’t we find better ways to communicate and argue if necessary ?
In sports, olympics, championships, in art, music, theatre, politics … there are so many fields of expression where we can execute our quarrels and fight on a much more sublime level if necessary.
Let’s all be sure about our vision: NO MORE WARS ON THIS PLANET. Finish, forever !
If nobody supported wars anymore, they were finished tomorrow. All atomic weapons could and should be abolished immediately anyway – and all others too.
Let us all work on compassion, respect, support, acknowledgement of our cultural and religious differences, but, PLEASE, peacefully.
We are one humantity, and we are all responsible for the future of our children and this precious planet Earth. Let us create a collective positive vision: a beautiful and healthy environement with a loving and joyful atmosphere.
May you be blessed.

You may be interested in my Worldwide Ethical Manifesto

  • New CD by Moving Sounds: Ritual two people, one space, making the moment audible, our ritual, no words – just music.
    sample or more about Moving Sounds incl. new video.
  • Inside Out - Markus Stockhausen & Florian Weber New CD ALBA by INSIDE OUT In July 2015 Florian Weber and Markus Stockhausen recorded together with producer Manfred Eicher for ECM in Lugano. ALBA is available now !! CD ALBA
  • “All About Jazz” review on ALBA “A welcome return to ECM for Stockhausen and an impressive label debut for Weber, Alba represents two musicians distanced by nearly twenty years but brought together through a common sense of purpose, rare intuitive abilities, and exceptional instrumental acumen and improvisational élan.” Complete article

Markus Stockhausen in St. Paul, Köln am 23.10.2015, Foto: Viramo

20/02/2025 - 23/02/2025

Seminar Singen und Stille - Wenn die Seele singt

18:00 pm Domicilium, Weyarn Singen (Tönen) als Weg zum Selbst, zur Quelle in Dir, zu Gott. Die Konzentration auf Klang, das Eindringen in Klang, das Verschmelzen mit Klang führt uns ins Jetzt, zu uns selbst, auf sehr einfache und natürliche Weise.

Alanus Werkhaus in Alfter, Foto: Britta Schüßling


Kreatives Singen, Musizieren und Stille

11:00 am Alanus Werkhaus, Alfter / Bonn Tagesseminar Erleben Sie eine einzigartige Verbindung aus kreativer Improvisation und stiller Meditation.


Gedenkkonzert für Wolfgang Hoyer

18:30 pm Kammermusiksaal des Humboldt-Gymnasium, Köln Ein Konzert zum Andenken an meinen lieben Lehrer und Freund, den Pianisten Wolfgang Hoyer, der am 20.

16/03/2025 - 20/03/2025


18:00 pm Benediktushof, Holzkirchen/Unterfranken Intuitives Singen und Musizieren als Weg zum Selbst. Musik ist die Sprache der Seele. Hazrat Inayat Khan Wir erforschen gemeinsam die Wirkung von harmonischen Klängen auf unseren Körper und unsere Psyche, improvisieren intuitiv singend oder spielend und meditieren im Wechsel in Stille.

Singen und Stille Heilsame Klänge

28/03/2025 - 30/03/2025


17:00 pm Akademie "Dein Weg zu Dir", Hellenthal-Hollerath Wort – Klang – viel Stille – Frieden ein musikalisch-spirituelles Seminar mit Markus Stockhausen Wir singen (tönen), improvisieren, bewegen uns, meditieren.

Intuitive Music and More & Intuitive Music Orchestra


16:00 pm Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste, Düsseldorf in Düsseldorf in der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste - 6 Konzerte mit 25 MusikerInnen - Beginn: 16 Uhr – Ende ca.


Markus Stockhausen Group bei den Freiberger Jazztagen

20:00 pm Mittelsächsisches Theater, Freiberg Markus Stockhausen Flügelhorn/Tp Jeroen van Vliet Piano, Synthesizer Stephan Braun Cello Christian Thomé Drums Vier improvisierende Musiker – sie gehören zu den Besten ihres Fachs.


MOVING SOUNDS spielt bei den Freiberger Jazztagen

17:00 pm Petrikirche, Freiberg Meditative und erlebnisreiche Klänge Tara Bouman Klarinette, Bassklarinette Markus Stockhausen Trompete, Flügelhorn Im Konzert mit MOVING SOUNDS verweben die Musiker intuitive Musik mit eigenen Kompositionen und gestalten dies spontan entsprechend der Schwingung des Raumes und seiner Akustik.