Singing and Silence – let your soul sing

“For me, every human being bears the visage of God and carries within him or her the power, the love and the knowledge of the Highest. With the help of music – that which I am most familiar with – I hope to inspire others to rediscover this source within them as well as to gradually develop a feeling for their own intuition. Intuitive music, singing and silence are perfectly suited for this.”


This course in open to everybody, not only musicians. To persons who love to (or long to) express themselves through singing and want to explore its effects on the body, mind and inner worlds.

The participants sit or stand in a circle. We sing together, alternating with exercises in silence in between. Sound echoes in the silence. The singing material is not based on traditional songs, rather on vowels and intuitive improvisations. Sometimes we move and dance with the singing. The aim is to raise the energy level of everyone. Sound can do this with us. Harmonious sounds may even heal us.
Instruments can be brought if people know how to play them, and may be used in certain moments, however, it is not a course in instrumental improvisation, rather the exploration of sound through singing – and silence, leading to meditation and inner peace.

Markus Stockhausen says: “People from all races and cultures can join here and experience the unity among themselves in sound. This is the great miracle of sound and music, it can really change the consciousness of people around the world.”

I’ve been practising Vipassana for 40 years and I can tell you this course is a golden gift that I take with me. It has deepened my practice.”
David Kennedy, Benediktushof August 2024

Markus Stockhausen, born in 1957, studied trumpet and piano and is an international trumpet soloist. He has composed for many renowned orchestras. He gives courses on ‘Intuitive Music and More’ as well as his work of the last ten years concentrating on ‘Singing and Silence’.


  • “Many thanks for the moving singing today…it made every cell in my body begin to resonate and vibrate. Your piano playing… enabled a deep sadness in me to start flowing. I wonder what the night will bring!” – Marion Lindemann, participant of ‘Singing and Silence’, Alanus Werkaus in May 2014
  • “When the soul begins to sing – I arrive home and have the feeling that I have come back from a long, intensive holiday. My soul is nourished and full of joy, my body strengthened, my back upright, my thought clear, my spirit enticed into other dimensions. May the sound of the past days continue to resonate until we meet again. Thank you!” – Heinke Sanders, participant of ‘Singing and Silence’, Benediktushof, June 2014
  • “The seminar touched me deeply and has helped apply the subtlety necessary in my therapeutical work to my movement. Sounds and the space between them are now heard more finely and I no longer wish to allow trivial music to enter this precious space…” – Petra Neisse, participant of ‘Singing and Silence’, Benediktushof, Juni 2014

Healing Sound and From Sound to Silence – two variations of singing and silence that also incorporate instruments.

  • Healing Sound — _Intuitive singing, playing music, movement, meditation and quiet —
    In this seminar we will intensively investigate the effects of sound on our body and on our psyche. We sing, improvise, laugh… and we meditate together. Anyone bringing an instrument should have a basic command of it. The course is open to all friends of music and beautiful sound who are seeking the healing power of music. The aim is to find the source of our own vitality. “Be who you are” could be the motto. Healing can take place when we are in harmony with ourselves. Music can help in a wonderful way.
  • From Sound to Silencefor singers and instrumentalists
    In this seminar we will investigate the healing qualities of harmonious sound on our body and on our psyche. Singing or playing we alternate between intuitive improvisation and silence. Anyone bringing an instrument should have a basic command of it. The course is open to all who are interested in the union of sound and silence. The aim is to find the source of our own vitality. “Be who you are” could be the motto. Healing can take place when we are in harmony with ourselves and others. Music can help in a wonderful way. The spiritual dimension is central to this course.

Singen und Stille, Benediktushof Holzkirchen 2015

Singen und Stille, Benediktushof Holzkirchen 2013

Singen und Stille, Montegrotto 2010
