Moving Sounds

The clarinet virtuoso Tara Bouman and the exceptional trumpeter and versatile musician Markus Stockhausen have been performing as the duo MOVING SOUNDS since 2002.

The repertoire includes compositions by both artists as well as improvisation and, above all, intuitive music. Their programme is decided spontaneously and in accordance with the acoustic qualities of the space in which they are playing, the time and the people present. The individual pieces are announced during the concert. They take their listeners on a musical journey of discovery.

The wide spectrum of sound experience which MOVING SOUNDS creates – ranging from deeply entrenched profundity via good-humoured whizzing and whirring to eruptive eccentricity – is highly appreciated by music critics and audiences alike. Music enthusiasts with varying tastes enjoy the appearances and let themselves be transported into new realms of sound.

MOVING SOUNDS has given numerous concerts in Italy, Switzerland, England, Norway, Holland, France, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Russia, USA, Chile and, above all, Germany. The two musicians prefer to play in venues with special acoustic qualities such as churches or museums where the extraordinary sound qualities of the wind duo can unfold at their best.

Sound images on water by Alexander Lauterwasser to the music RITUAL by MOVING SOUNDS.

Musica Sacra

Music which directs you to the inner self, which invites you to become still.

Musica Sacra – this beautifully describes the intuitively played music of Tara Bouman and Markus Stockhausen. Before the concert the musicians endeavor to empty themselves of the worries and concerns of the world and thus make themselves receptive for the sounds that wish to be born of the moment.  

The intimacy of Musica Sacra makes the listeners feel that through their presence they also contribute to its creation. 
Nothing is created at random, but rather depth, space, purity evolve. 

One can sense a longing in the music, a calling and cheering, speaking, shouting,
until the sounds unite in stillness.


Markus Stockhausen
trumpet, flugelhorn

Tara Bouman
clarinet, bass clarinet

We played concerts in …
Jazzfestival Neuwied im Schloß Engers
Christuskirche Brühl
Schloß Coburg
Klosterkirche St. Peter, Schwarzwald
Kloster Maulbronn
Kölner Philharmonie
Salem, Sieben Zwerge, mit Wasserklangbildern von Alexander Lauterwasser
Bad Kissingen, Akademie Heiligenfeld
Julitafestivalen, Sweden
Assisi, Italien
Perugia, Museo Nazionale dell’ Umbria, Italien
Castello di Titignano, Italien
Kreuzkirche Hannover zum Reformationsfest
Markuskirche Hannover
Köln St. Maternus
Hamburg Kirche der Stille
Göttingen Jazz Festival in St. Johannis
Krefeld Kapelle Josefhaus
Bottrop, Ev. Martinskirche
Niederberg St. Johannes
Bonn Pauluskirche
Rheine Kloster Bentlage
Überlingen Münster
Suoni delle Dolomiti
Paros, Parc Theatre
Tinos, Koumaros Theatre
Naxos Bazeos Tower
Santorini Art Factory
Bad Fredeburg, Musik Akademie
Schloss Wendlinghausen, Festival “Wege durch das Land”
Dortmund Kokerei
Klein-Jasedow, Europäische Akademie für Heilende Künste
Köln St. Pantaleon
Altenberger Dom
Ulmer Münster
Bonn Arithmeum
Dom zu Speyer
Museuminsel Hombroich
Bonner Münster
San Franzisko, Other Minds Festival
Los Angeles, LACMA /Red Cat
Cheltenham Festival
Chile Teatro del Lago
Cividale del Friuli, Mittelfest
Vicenza Teatro Olimpico
Florenz, Notte Bianca
Auditorium di Roma
Lodz, Christian Culture Festival
Norwegen in Fredrikstad
an many more …

Tara Bouman
clarinet, bass clarinet

Tara Bouman studied classical clarinet in the Netherlands and has performed concerts all over Europe, Chile, Mexico and the United States of America – initially in the field of the so called contemporary music, until in her collaboration with Markus Stockhausen she was encouraged to improvise. Since then her focus has been in playing “intuitive music”.

In cooperation with Deutschland Radio the Cologne Label Aktivraum published her first CD in 2003: CONTEMPORARY. In 2002 she started to perform together with Markus Stockhausen (trumpet, flugelhorn) in the duo Moving Sounds. In 2004 their first duo CD THINKING ABOUT was released; RITUAL from the year 2015 is the second recording by Moving Sounds. Other CD’s with Tara are: SYMPHONIC COLOURS and SPACES AND SPHERES (2009), and ETERNAL VOYAGE in 2010.

Tara Bouman enjoys to perform in beautifully sounding, voluminous halls, where the sounds of wind and brass can unfold at its best. Her music is without label – her intention is to play music that is pure, music which touches the soul. The music unfolds and develops in the very moment of its performance. This way it is connected with the place it is played and the people present.

Tara also is a teacher of Iyengar Yoga.

Further CDs with Markus Stockhausen and Tara Bouman

  • Tara Bouman und Markus Stockhausen (Moving Sounds), Lichtinszenierung: Rolf Zavelberg
  • MOVING SOUNDS, Tara Bouman und Markus Stockhausen, spielen MAYTIME; Licht: Rolf Zavelberg
  • Ritual - Moving Sounds - Markus Stockhausen and Tara Bouman
  • Markus Stockhausen (Trompete), Tara Bouman (Bassklarinette) und Rolf Zavelberg (Licht)
  • Tara Bouman und Markus Stockhausen: Mater Dolorosa, Licht: Rolf Zavelberg
  • Tara Bouman und Markus Stockhausen: Serenade. Lichtinszenierung: Rolf Zavelberg
  • Tara Bouman, Markus Stockhausen: ANDREA, Licht: Rolf Zavelberg

2015 - Eine gigantische Atmosphäre - Moving Sounds

Lippisches Kultur-Journal, 17. 03. 2015 – Tara Bouman und Markus Stockhausen musizieren zur Hangar-Ausstellung Detmold (ans).

2014 - Intuitive Musik mit Trompete und Klarinette - Moving Sounds

Rheinische Post, 07. 12. 2014 – Von Angela Pontzen. Mönchengladbach. Tara Bouman und Markus Stockhausen, der Sohn des Komponisten Karlheinz, begeisterten das Publikum in der Münsterkirche – und das nicht erst beim letzten Stück, als das Licht gelöscht wurde.

Moving Sounds

2014 - Wandelkonzert im Bonner Münster - Moving Sounds

Bonner Generalanzeiger 09. 08. 2014 – Von Guido Krawinkel. BONN. Mucksmäuschenstill war es im Münster zu nächtlicher Stunde.

2014 - Intuitive Pause vor der Sirene - Moving Sounds

Kölner Rundschau, 28. 06. 2014 - Markus Stockhausen und Tara Bouman improvisieren in St. Georg Mag es das Hornthema aus Brahms’ Erster sein, eine Bootsfahrt über den Königssee mit Trompeten-Einlage oder eine Alphorn-Impression aus den Bergen – in St.

2013 - Moving Sounds verzaubern in Pfarrkirche - Moving Sounds

Gießener Allgemeine Zeitung, 17. 07. 2013 - Marburg (kdw). Es war nicht nur das Abschlusskonzerts des Stadtfestes »3 Tage Marburg«, es war auch etwas ganz Besonderes: Das Konzert von Markus Stockhausen und Tara Bouman als Duo »Moving Sounds« mit ihrem Programm improvisierter Musik verzauberte am Sonntagabend die fast 700 Zuhörer in der lutherischen Pfarrkirche.

Press fotos in high resolution please download here.

Moving Sounds in Meinerzhagen 2014

Moving Sounds Erpeler railway tunnel 2007, photo: Gordon Axmann

Moving Sounds 2009 Wuppertal Sculpture Park, photo: Karl-Heinz Krauskopf

Markus Stockhausen and Tara Bouman 2014 photo: Jürgen Bindrim

Moving Sounds Erpeler railway tunnel 2007, photo: Gordon Axmann

Moving Sounds 2014, photo: Jürgen Bindrim

Moving Sounds 2014, Foto: Jürgen Bindrim

Moving Sounds, Wipperfürth 2007, Klangvisionen mit Lichtregie von Rolf Zavelberg

Moving Sounds, St. Maternus Cologne 2008, photo: Gordon Axmann

Moving Sounds, St. Maternus Cologne 2008, photo: Gordon Axmann

Moving Sounds Hürth 2008, Klangvisionen mit Lichtregie von Rolf Zavelberg

MOVING SOUNDS zusammen mit der Kölner Kantorei am 4.12.2016 in St. Pantaleon, Köln, Foto: Martin Kurtenbach

MOVING SOUNDS zusammen mit der Kölner Kantorei am 4.12.2016 in St. Pantaleon, Köln, Foto: Martin Kurtenbach

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