To all members of the European Parliament, to the governments of Russia, the USA and Great Britain: Stop this war!
Dear Madam, dear Sir,
From the depth of my heart, I implore you to do everything possible to stop the horrible war between Russia and the Ukraine. War cannot be the solution for peace.
This war has been going on now for more than one year, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed on both sides, existences and infrastructure have been destroyed, and people are being subject to immense suffering. And still everything just seems to be getting worse. War does not help at all. Diplomatic efforts are the sole solution to finding an agreement for peace. Compromises must be accepted.
We are now on the brink of a third world war. And we really don’t want that. We as western civilisations have enormous responsibility for all people on earth.
Our future aim as humanity should be to achieve peaceful co-existence with all peoples. Only this will guarantee a peaceful future and pave the way to finding global solutions to urgent problems.
Lay down the weapons. Meet, talk and seek solutions. All life is precious and must be protected.
Sincerely, Markus Stockhausen, Germany (March 10th 2023)