Master Class: Creative Trumpet Playing
A new generation of trumpeters is appearing. For these musicians, the crossing of stilistic borders as well as achieving the best possible expression of their creativity through their instrument is something to be taken for granted. This demands a wide knowledge and ability, a trained ear as well as considerable experience, both in the interpretation of musical literature and in improvisation.
Themes: Interpretation, improvisation, intuitive playing, trumpet techniques, breathing technique, auditive training as well as yoga and silence exercises: all aspects of the trumpet and the musical, physical and spiritual preparation which is part and parcel of good playing. The highly versatile musician Markus Stockhausen can look back on a 40-year international career as a soloist with a classical repertoire, many contemporary premieres as well as a lively jazz career in various ensembles. Over 70 CD recordings document his multifaceted talent. In 2010 he founded the “Academy for Intuitive Music”. Today he is keen to pass on his knowledge and skills to other trumpeters.
Markus Stockhausen will give one or two courses of this sort at various venues. In August 2015 this took place in the castle of Fürsteneck near Fulda.
Earlier trumpet courses were held in Assisi, Florence, Alanus Summer Academy, MHS Trossingen, Karlsruhe, Holiday Courses Darmstadt, Lake Placid, Chosen Vale (USA), Szombathey (Hungary) and many others…
Markus Stockhausen