Your viewport: Seminars


Singing and Silence

“For me, every human being bears the visage of God and carries within him or her the power, the love and the knowledge of the Highest.

Healing Sound

Intuitive singing, music-making, movement, meditation and silence In this seminar we will investigate the influence of sound on our body and on our psyche.

Intuitive Music and More

Intuitive Music and More, open to all musicians who are interested in improvisation and have already some experience in improvisation, and who can play their instrument well.

Creative Trumpet Playing

A new generation of trumpeters is appearing. For these musicians, the crossing of stilistic borders as well as achieving the best possible expression of their creativity through their instrument is something to be taken for granted.

Forum Intuitive Musik

Das Forum Intuitive Musik (FIM) bietet interessierten MusikerInnen aller Stilrichtungen die Möglichkeit miteinander zu musizieren, sich auszutauschen und sich unter professioneller Anleitung musikalisch und geistig weiterzuentwickeln.

The New Human

Text in English
