Miniature of a Soul´s Journey

for flugelhorn (trumpet) and 12 celli – or string orchestra.

Miniatur einer Seelenreise (Miniature of a Soul´s Journey) was written in February 2006 as a commission for the 12 Cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.

The 12 Cellists and I recorded the piece for the EMI Classics London CD “Angel Dances” on 26th March 2006 in Berlin. The first concert performance was given by the same performers on September 30th, 2006 at the Philharmonic Hall in Essen, Germany.

 After meeting the 12 Cellists for the first time at a concert in the Alte Oper (Old Opera House) in Frankfurt in 2005, I was so impressed by the luxuriant sound and fabulous playing of the ensemble that I spontaneously suggested that I might write something for this extraordinary group of musicians. Shortly afterwards came a request to write a piece for the ensemble’s next CD. I very gladly accepted. 

Miniature of a Soul´s Journey is a composition in seven sections. It briefly traces an imaginary life, from its creation, through its evolution and demise.

 In 2007, I composed a version for flugelhorn (also trumet) and string orchestra which was premiered on April 4th, 2008 in Saarbrücken, Germany. The musicians, apart from myself, were from the German Radio Philharmonic Orchestra Saarbrücken. The conductor was Christoph Poppen.

 The recording of this concert is released on the CD “Symphonic Colours”.

Miniatur einer Seelenreise / Miniature of a Soul´s Journey

in February 2006
comissioned by Georg Faust and EMI Classics, London

World Premiere
Philharmonic Hall in Essen, 30.09.2006

Markus Stockhausen
and the 12 Cellists of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra

Flugelhorn, Trumpet
12 Celli, or String Orchestra

ca. 11‘30

Aktivraum Musikverlag, Köln 2006
ISMN: M-700233-19-8

Other Versions

for Flugelhorn and String Quintet, 2006
Premiere: 27.12.2006, Kölner Philharmonie
Aktivraum Musikverlag, Köln 2006,
ISMN: M-700233-20-4

for Flugelhorn and String Orchestra, 2007
Premiere: 04.04.2008, Deutsche Radio Philharmomie Saarbrücken, conducted by Christoph Poppen
Aktivraum Musikverlag, Köln 2007
ISMN: M-700233-25-9


Mit der Konzert-Fantasie “Miniatur einer Seelenreise” für Trompete und Streichorchester gestaltete Stockhausen auf der Basis eines romantisierenden Klangteppichs seine Kantilenen und Kapriolen im stilistischen Spannungsfeld zwischen Romanze einerseits und Jazz-Ballade andererseits. Dabei nahm der 1957 geborene Komponist mit seinem sehr kultivierten, fein nuancierten und locker-leichten Trompetenton als Interpret für sich ein.Reiner Henn, April 2008